Is your birth month and marriage interconnected?

Living a long and blissful married life depends on so many factors that include how well the couple understand each other, how well they resolve the conflicts and how well they cope up with the hurdles in their personal and professional life. The list is long but astrology can predict the future of a couple through Kundali Milan and planet considerations.

Apart from this, a strong connection is noted between your birth month and marriage. As per past researches, there have been many findings. A study has shown that women seem to prefer men who are born just before their birth date. On the other hand, men seem to prefer women who are born just after their birth date. As per studies, there is a connection between your birth month and marriage. Here are some interesting researched facts that you must know.

While the data shows that the people preferred to marry a person born in the same month or within four months of their birth date. There are exceptions to this rule, like the guys born in the second half of January tend to marry women born in the second half of October that is an exception to the general findings.

The studies also show that people often choose to marry someone who is born in the same month or a couple months later. Researchers have discovered that people generally marry someone who is born within four months of their own birth month. Here is one more interesting fact, the women born in January are more likely to marry a man born in the month of March. However, their second preference remains the men born in October. The women born in August are more likely to marry the men born in September. On the other hand, the males born in August prefer the females born in July. The males born in July preferred the females born in April and December.

There is nothing that can guarantee success or failure in marriage but an astrologer can definitely help you in predicting the success or failure of your marriage through horoscope matching. To get your horoscope matched, meet our astrologer in Gurgaon Pt. Pawan Kaushik and simply ring us on 9999097600 to book your appointment now!