Emerald or Pannacomes in various shades of green and controls the positive and negative effects of Mercury (Budha) on a person’s health, wealth and well-being. It is suggested that one must wear this precious gemstone under the guidance of a gemstone expert so as to avoid any complications.

When to Wear Emerald (Panna)?

Emerald or Panna should be worn on Wednesdays between 5am to 7am during Shukla Paksha.

How to Wear Emerald (Panna)?

  • Can be worn as Jewel : Emerald or Panna can be worn in the form of ring, pendants, necklace, earrings and lockets while it is recommended to wear Emerald in the form of ring or pendant for best results.
  • Can be worn with other Metals : Emerald or Panna can be worn with gold, silver or penta alloy (penta alloy is mixture of five metals) plating.
  • Small Finger: It is advised to wear Panna-studded ring in the small finger of the right hand.
  • Apt Weight : Panna or Emerald should weigh between 3 to 6 carats.
  • Method Followed :
    • Take bath early in the morning, dip the stoned ornament in the mixture of cow’s milk and honey for about 20 minutes.
    • Take out Emerald (Panna) from the mixture and clean it with pious gangajal.
    • Light 5 incense sticks, take the ring in your right hand, chant the below mantra (108 times) and wear your stone.
    ॐ बू बुद्धाय  नम:

    After wearing Emerald (Panna), one must take special care during regular cleansing process as it gets damaged very easily and lose its efficiency. For more information regarding gemstones, refer www.pawankaushik.com